
Friday, October 1, 2010


I had occasion recently to look up the fatal alarm indications in Fujitsu's DL6400/6600 maintenance manual; found them easily enough. On page 3-7 there's Table 3.5 - Fatal error alarm list. The table gives the names of the thirteen possible errors, and a brief description of each. The LED display codes are on Table 3.6 on the following page.

The alarm list table has a column titled "Recovery method". The first entry in that column, for the Power Alarm, reads "+40V supply has dropped". [?!]

Excuse me, but that's not a 'recovery method'. Of the thirteen alarms, ranging from 'left end sensor' to 'cut sheet feeder motor', eleven of them effectively indicate that "+40V supply has dropped" is the 'recovery method'. Needless to say, that column of the table is utter hogwash; beneath contempt.

I don't go rotten-cherry picking to find this stuff, and that's not an isolated instance. It's typical. By and large, the service documentation and 'training' material in this industry is a load of rubbish. That's across the board; all manufacturers.

And there's no 'solution'. People who can publish things like the 'recovery method' column in the Fujitsu alarms table are not reachable. They don't know any better and they don't give a bleep. They're locked into their witless orthodoxy, and they're not coming out for a look at the real world. You may as well talk to a cat or a potted plant as try to draw their attention to the fact that what they're producing is worthless dross, and they need to give what they're doing a rethink.

All I can say in closing is reader beware.

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