
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fujitsu DL6400/6600 -- Fatal Error Alarms

The DL6400/6600 reports a fatal error by flashing its PAPER OUT LED, and turning on one or two FONT LEDs. There are thirteen possible alarm conditions, but only twelve alarm indications. (A ROM checksum failure doesn't produce an alarm indication.) Following are the alarm names, a brief description of each and, in square brackets, their corresponding FONT LED indicator(s). (This information is directly from Fujitsu's service manual; I haven't verified its accuracy.)

1) Power. The +40V power supply's output is low. [COUR 10]

2) Left End. The Left End Sensor (LES) failed to detect carriage arrival at the left end of its travel. [PRESTG 12] (See this post for more on this one.)

3) Overload. The +40V power supply is overloaded. [COMPRESS 17]

4) RAM. A read or write error has been detected. [BOLD PS]

5) ROM. A ROM checksum error has been detected. [Apparently, this condition does not produce an alarm indication. The service manual is unclear about what the error indication is. It says, "The program enters an infinite loop." Your guess is as good as mine as to what that looks like.]

6) FAN. The fan is inoperative. [N. SANS PS]

7) HEAD. There's a fault in a printhead driver circuit. [DRAFT 10]

8) SP Motor. A space motor (carriage motor) fault has been detected. [DRAFT 12]

9) LF Motor. A line feed motor fault has been detected. [MENU FONT]

10) GAP. There's a fault in the automatic gapping mechanism. [COUR 10 + COMPRESS 17]

11) Ribbon Motor. A ribbon motor fault has been detected. [COUR 10 + BOLD PS]

12) Jam Lever. The jam lever is open. [COUR 10 + TIME PS]

13) CSF Motor. A Cut Sheet Feeder motor fault has been detected. [COUR 10 + N. SANS PS]

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