
Friday, December 9, 2011

IBM 4232-302 -- Paper Present Sensor

The Paper Present (PP) sensor rides on the right side of the carriage facing the paper path. Here's a view of it in a machine with an F2 (push tractor) forms device.

It's a reflective object sensor (ROS) that 'sees' the leading edge of the forms arrive as they're loading, and informs the Logic PCA so the paper can be positioned accordingly.

No useful information about the sensor's 'health' can be obtained by a voltmeter. The Sensor Test in the Offline CE[1] Tests displays the sensor's state.

A 'blind' sensor will let loading paper go by much too far, then the machine will stop and display "012 CHECK PAPER PATH".

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[1] 'CE' is short for 'Customer Engineer' -- a bit of IBM newspeak meaning 'technician'. Think about it. What the bleep should 'customer engineer' properly mean? -- 'one who designs/constructs customers', surely. 'Customer engineer' is the sort of Orwellian language abuse that corporations deserve to be put to death for.

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