
Monday, December 12, 2011

IBM 4232-302 -- Paper Entry Chute

Ordinarily, one would never have to do anything with this item, but a printer came in that had an EOF sensor fastening screw seized in its threaded insert and broken off. 'Easiest fix was to swap out the chute for one from a parts machine.

The chute is held in place by six claws on its underside -- they're visible from underneath. The things are old and brittle, so the claws are easily snapped off. If a chute has at least four claws intact, it will stay in place fine. If it came to it, it wouldn't be difficult to fasten a chute with flathead screws.

The carriage cable is secured to the chute's upper surface by two black plastic clips. Those are removed by squeezing their rear projections with pliers and pushing them through their rectangular holes; it takes quite a squeeze and push to persuade them to leave.

Here's a view of the broken screw seized in its insert, along with one of the cable clips I just mentioned.

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