
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lexmark T63X -- Noisy Fuser Cleaning Wand

From the "just when you think you've seen everything" department, comes this freakish incident.

A very clean T630 with a low maintenance count came in the shop. I set it to running off some test prints, and it made quite a loud moaning/squealing noise.

Removing the felt fuser cleaning wand made the noise go away. [!?]

I've let the machine go with a bit of trepidation; I can't help but wonder if there's more to that noise than met the eye, so to speak. Noises in rotating machinery can be extremely deceptive, and difficult to track down to their real source. We'll see if that's the end of it, or if it bounces back soon with the same complaint.

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1 comment:

  1. Ive actually torn down a drive assy and lubed on a t632 for this noise. only to remove the fuser wand and the noise disappear.
